Florida Gulf Coast Dachshund Club

The Florida Gulf Coast Dachshund Club was established over 35 years ago and is dedicated to the health, welfare, betterment, and improvement of the Dachshund breed. Our members actively participate in AKC conformation (“dog shows”), obedience, agility, field trial, tracking, Earthdog, Rally, Dock Diving, Barn Hunt, and lure coursing events. In addition to American Kennel Club events, we participate in community activities such as Responsible Dog Owners’ Day, our Dachshunds visit schools and health facilities, and members assist in Dachshund rescue.

Monthly Meetings

We meet via Zoom on the 4th Tuesday of each month. We get together to chat at 7 p.m. and our official meeting begins at 7:30. Come as you are! For a meeting link, please contact Corresponding Secretary, Heather With at hwith02@yahoo.com


Dachshunds are the breed approved to participate in the most number of AKC events! Dachshund Field Trials are held in March and October. The FGCDC Conformation specialty is January 17 – 19, 2025 in Brooksville, FL. We’d love to meet you!

Connect With a Breeder

Are you interested in learning more about well-bred Dachshunds? We would love to connect you to an expert in the size and coat variety you prefer!

JOIN us!

FGCDC is a friendly, welcoming organization committed to preserving the purebred Dachshund to the AKC standard in Florida and beyond.